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West Bellevue Orchestra Invitational

Updated: Feb 9

What: West Bellevue Orchestra Invitational

When: Monday, March 4, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

Where: Bellevue High Main Gym (10416 Wolverine Way SE, Bellevue 98005)

Who: 5th Grade Orchestras, CMS Orchestra, BHS Orchestra

6:15 pm Call Time for 5th Grade Students

6:30 pm Call Time for CMS Phil and BHS Orchestras

7:00 pm Concert Start

7:45 pm Concert End

5th Grade Songs: #19 Rolling Along, #43 Mozart Melody, #89 Boil Them Cabbage Down, First Finger Rock, #86 Ode to Joy

The West Bellevue Orchestra Invitational is a celebration of our orchestra programs in the West Bellevue neighborhood. The event is informal, but a ton of preparation goes into the event so that our youngest orchestra students get a glimpse of what their musical futures look like as they continue to study orchestra in the Bellevue School District.

As a current elementary school muisc teacher myself, I take immense pride in teaching beginning orchestra. As students move on to middle school orchestra, they are given new challenges and opportunities to refine their skills. When they reach high school, students learn to perform with a more mature sense of expression, utilizing all their technique and skill acquired over the years.

I look forward to this year's zoneconcert. The event usually brings in a few hundred orchestra students and their families, and it is one of the most special times of the year for music in our school district.

Andrew Kam, Bellevue High Orchestra Director

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